Our route:

Our route:

Monday, May 28, 2012

Lily cries foul

So now we are in Los Angeles and I am singing that Arlo Guthrie song to myself and looking for Angel, Spike and the gang. We got to our hostel and it was less then ideal, So, being the spoiled brat that I am, I demanded that we pack up camp. So right now we are homeless at Jiffy Lube. But, hey, at least the Jiffy Lube has free toilet paper.

Via Las Vegas Del Taco

Like Leon Trotsky

's Mexican ice remover -

I am a man of principle.

I refuse to join

The bro parade

Which stretches from Paradise

 all the way

To the big Pink Taco.

Maybe I want to

But I can't.

But I think I'd rather Die by fire

Than make my life By the 'infamous pool'.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

...Texas? And Whiskey.

We kind of rushed the southwest. Which makes me sad, because it's some of the most beautiful landscape I've seen. Ever. Period point blank.

The lake and the campsite were the stuff of legend. Blue blue waters, bush shrubs for shade. Snakes and scorpions and heat and wind and fire. Inhospitable madness. You know, the good stuff.

Backtracking, Austin was great. I wish we had had more time there. We got some pretty great BBQ thanks to Alex's great aunt and uncle. We also saw some bats, and conversed with a deaf man named Randy. I still wish we had interviewed him. No live music, partially due to laziness, partially due to our unfortunate timing in which we hit Austin on a Monday night. Swinging back and forth, we landed in the desert. And then Vegas.

My favorite part of Vegas so far is its hideousness. Everyone is a douche bag, everyone is fake-tan-pseudo-wanna-be-los-angles-plastic-beauty. Everyone is vying for the worst person ever award. Everyone is evil and disgusting and wrong. Off. Similar to, and yet miles away, from the people we met in Roswell. It's great. I want to live here and hate every minute of it.

I am having a great deal of trouble wording. Lollipops, sushi, alcohol, and heart-stopping amounts of caffeine are about all I've pumped into my body in the past 48 hours. I wonder and wonder what the good Hunter S. thought of all this when he entered here so many moons ago. And I think that it would be better to figure out what I don't know myself at a later date. And I don't think that, and I don't want to.



Currently, I am incredibly tired. I have gotten maybe 6 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours. Maybe a little more, but that's it.

We drove a stupid amount yesterday/today. From Roswell to Las Vegas. It was about a 14 hour trip. (Don't worry, Moms, we rotated drivers a lot. Safety first!)

I don't know what day it is anymore.

The hotel is stupid nice. Thanks, Clark.

Alison and I hung out by the pool this morning, because we got kicked out of a lobby for sleeping there.

It was really awesome, hanging out at 10am local time at a pool with sand and stuff. Things are cool that way. 

I just want to sleep for a week, straight.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Southern Comfort

     We have inched closer towards the heart of the country. Fittingly each step has been accompanied by a different type of specialty meat. I do not yet know what this means but everyone seems very particular about the meat they eat.
     Yesterday we swam in the pool and looked up at the stars doing the backstroke. They seem brighter here, to me at least, but I expect them to be even brighter the further left we go on our journey. Brighter until we approach the lights of big Vegas.
     Today we saw the clock-tower at the University of Texas in Austin. In 1966 Charles Whitman shot a dozen or so people from the observation deck there. There was no evidence of this. The art museum there was closed so we went to the mall and I ate a 'Western BBQ' burger.

I Probably Should...

Hey y'all. We're in Austin. I haven't posted here yet (whoops) so I figured I should.

Today, we interviewed my great uncle, which was great. We went to UT: Austin, which was a nice campus. Saw the tower where Charles Whitman killed a buncha peeps. The tower was tall. We tried to go to a museum, but it was closed on Mondays, which was dumb because people like museums all days of the week.

Later, we went to a mall. It was nice because every mall is pretty much the same. Felt like we were kinda home again. :D There was a lego store. Wheee.

Fun times were had by all.

Tonight, bats.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

British Brain Melt With Cheese

We're not sure what this movie is about. Here's a list of titles we've come up with since departure:

The Lollipop Diaries
6000 Words About Memphis
Driving Miss Lily
Stereotypical Massachusetts College Students Go On A Road Trip and Experience Stereotypical Changes

I think we got a good collection here, no?